‘Iconic’ Bloordale mural graces April TTC Metropass

The Bloorcourt neighbourhood is getting some recognition from the TTC.
The iconic Playing in Bloorcourt street mural, located at the southwest corner of Bloor Street West and Concord Avenue, will grace the front of the April monthly Metropass, part of the TTC’s plan to spotlight Toronto street art projects each month on the card.
The mural was commissioned by the Bloorcourt BIA and paid for through a city arts grant as a way to celebrate the area’s legacy of music and culture. It was painted by Jason Pinney and unveiled back in 2009 becoming an essential art piece for the neighbourhood.
You can buy the April pass now for $146.25 (the adult fare) at all stations and businesses licensed to to sell TTC tickets and passes. A monthly pass can also be purchased through PRESTO.