
Liberty Village: Give Me Liberty

75 Fraser Ave. 75 Fraser Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Location: 75 Fraser Ave. BIA: Liberty Village Save the Date 😍🎉🎊🥳 Liberty Village BIA’s 18th Annual Street Party “Give Me Liberty” returns on Thursday, June 20th, from 4:00-11:00 pm to celebrate all things Liberty Village ❣️ Give …


Farmers’ Market on Eglinton (Every Sunday from June- October) The Eglinton Way

125 Burnaby Blvd 125 Burnaby Blvd, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Location: 125 Burnaby Blvd, Toronto, ON M5N 1G5 BIA: The Eglinton Way The Eglinton Way BIA is excited to revive our 7th Annual Farmers' Market! Since 2018, our market has become a staple weekly event dedicated to …


Farmers’ Market on Eglinton (Every Sunday from June- October) The Eglinton Way

125 Burnaby Blvd 125 Burnaby Blvd, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Location: 125 Burnaby Blvd, Toronto, ON M5N 1G5 BIA: The Eglinton Way The Eglinton Way BIA is excited to revive our 7th Annual Farmers' Market! Since 2018, our market has become a staple weekly event dedicated to …
