BIA Resources


Accessible Mainstreet

The Challenge:

The “Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act” (AODA) is legislation that applies to hundreds of thousands of businesses in Ontario, as well as to community groups and public services. The AODA aims to remove many of the barriers people experience in public and commercial areas.

People with disabilities are a growing consumer market in Canada. Nationally people with disabilities account for an estimated $25 billion a year in consumer spending and influence the spending decisions of twelve to fifteen million other Canadians.

An estimated 28% of Ontarians, or 3.8 million people, over the age of 15 years old have at least one disabilityfootnote 1. As the population ages, this number will grow. 

Businesses can attract more customers and employees by removing as many barriers to access as possible, making Ontario open for business and open for jobs for everyone.

The Response:

OBIAA and TABIA, in partnership with the Ministry of Community and Social Services, are developing resources to help small businesses increase their awareness of accessibility and to promote accessibility best practices in their businesses.

TABIA represents the local small business community on the Customer Service Standards Development Committee which is presently creating proposed accessibility standards for the AODA.

Downloadables for BIAs and Businesses 

Accessibility Agencies and Information

Accessibility in the City of Toronto

  • City of Toronto information and guides to resources to ensure your business or organization is more accessible and inclusive for all. 

Accessibility in Ontario: information for businesses |

  • Resources on how to make one’s business or organization more accessible and inclusive for all. This Government of Ontario website also provides free training modules to help meet the training requirements under Ontario’s accessibility laws.

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)


Homepage | Ontario Human Rights Commission

StopGap Foundation

  • Local foundation helping communities discover the benefit of barrier free spaces and providing support to create them. 

Enabling Accessibility Fund –

  • Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) provides funding for projects that make Canadian communities and workplaces more accessible for persons with disabilities.

Create accessible public spaces

Ontario’s Design of Public Spaces accessibility standards establish a baseline level of accessibility for public spaces, including:

  • parking lots and sidewalks
  • service counters
  • fixed waiting lines
  • waiting areas with fixed seating
  • recreational trails and beach access routes
  • playgrounds
  • public eating areas

The standards only apply to new construction and renovated existing public spaces.

Learn about how to make public spaces accessible.

Discover practical and easy tips to help make your building, spaces and events more accessible.

Read the Illustrated Technical Guide to the Accessibility Standard for the Design of Public Spaces for detailed information about the standards and how to comply.

Note, if you require an accessible version of any of the documents posted on this page, please contact TABIA at

If you need help with meeting accessibility requirements or have questions, contact Ontario accessibility services by: